Monday, July 14, 2014


So, this week on the Today show, they've started doing something called the #30DayDetox. ( Since Jill Martin is giving up her Smartphone, you can see this isn't necessarily a diet - one of the food variety, anyway. So I've decided to participate. No unnecessary purchases. No new toys, no fabric, no nothin'. The boys will need new school supplies, but before I go out and purchase a bunch of stuff, I'm going to see what we already have. They will need some new school clothes, but for the most part, nothing much is needed in that department at the mo'. In fact, I may only need to get them some new trainers and call it good. My kids are only clothes horses because I am, and I keep buying them stuff.
I'm also going to stop eating ice cream. I just had my last ice cream sandwich for the next 30 days. I weighed myself this morning and I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant. At least then I could blame it on the baby! I've been on three walks in the last two days. I've got to shed at least 10 pounds by my October birthday or sooner, but that's the goal: 10 by mid-October. More than doable, and if I'm lucky, it'll be even more than that.
I thought about not going on facebook for 30 days, but let's be realistic. Besides, that's how I keep in contact with a lot of the people in my life, so that's out. Also, since I started school, I simply haven't had as much time to be on there, anyway. Between classes and studying, I've probably cut my fb time in half.
So, I have the two things from which I'm going to "detox". But I feel like I should maybe have one more. Three's a charm and all that. But I really don't have a whole lot of vices outside of shopping and ice cream... I really love ice cream. I rarely drink soda or booze and it'll be a cold day in the underground hinterlands before you'll pry the coffee cup from my clutches. Oh! I know! I'll stop getting a pretzel bun at lunch. The store doesn't always have them, anyway. That's one less bundle of carbs from my diet.
We all have some habits we could do without for 30 days. Maybe by then we won't miss them so much. Because I could totally have another ice cream sandwich right now...

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