Sunday, January 12, 2014

Welcome to Sewnday Morning Musings!

This is just a quick welcome and hy-dee-ho to my new blog. I used to write "Quilty By Disassociation", but I discovered that I want to write about more than quilting. On top of that, I had a very difficult 2013 with a variety of health issues and didn't get to blog as much as I wanted.
So, this will be the new blog for the new year. I'll talk about sewing tips, projects I have coming up, take you along on field trips to Minneapolis area sewing and thrifting hot spots and I will also share your work if you send it to me. It doesn't have to be sewing, either. Artists find inspiration everywhere, so if you paint, act, sing, up-cycle, sculpt, take photos, be sure you send it to my google mail. Just be sure to include all relevant information so everyone can be credited where credit is due. That's all I ask. If you'd like me to promote your site, I'll be figuring out a list of requirements soon. One thing I know I'll accept is etsy links. I'll also be trolling etsy for people to feature, so please do send me your link (to my google mail). I'd like to also feature people in interviews, so recommendations will also be accepted.
Another thing I'll be doing is adding demo videos (though it may take a while to get that going, TBH). Probably whenever my 10 year old is off of school for any length of time, since he'll most likely be my cameraman. ;-)
The first few musings will be some background information on me, inspiration and any news of projects I'm working on.
When I get around to the field trips, I'll put a warning up so that, if you're local to me and you'd like to meet me at the destination for a more in-depth experience (especially to thrift stores, I RAWK at thrift stores), you'll be able to do so.
Fair warning, I have a potty mouth, I calls 'em like I sees 'em, and I pull no punches. There's my one and only caveat. I try to reign it in for purposes of publication, but there are some things you just have to get out. I shan't ever be cruel or mean. If I offer any criticism, I will always do my darnedest to be constructive. Snark is allowed on my page, but never cruelty. If you aren't sure what the difference is, keep comments to yourself. This is my house, but you are more than welcome to come on in.

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