Friday, February 7, 2014

February Field Trip Scheduled

Our February 21st Field trip Friday is going to be to the JoAnn Fabric and Craft store in Edina. It's in the Yorktown Mall at 3411 Hazelton (between York and France Avenues).
I'm working on a syllabus of sorts, but some of the topics I plan on covering are as follows:

Finding the right pattern for you
How to read those bolt labels
Which thread is right for your project?
Handy Tools! What do I really need?
What the heck can I make with a remnant?

We'll meet at JoAnn's at 10 am just inside the entry. Plan on being there about an hour. I can manage 5 or 6 "students" to keep things within the time frame. I'll be there regardless, but please email me at if you're interested in joining me and if you have any topics you'd like me to address. I have bright auburn hair and fuchsia/red glasses, you can't miss me.
Bring a way to take notes and any questions you may have. If you're working on a project and you're stuck, I'll be more than happy to see if I can help you with it, so bring that along.

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