Sunday, July 27, 2014

Oops, I did it again.

I had ice cream last night. However, it was far less than I usually have (maybe a 1/2 cup) and I hadn't had any the rest of the week aaaand I've lost four pounds. I've also done really well at not spending extra, getting all of the boys' school supplies on sale or with coupons. In fact, the boys have done really well at not complaining about not getting any toys.
I will have to get them a few new clothes for school because I think my 11 year old has grown 2 inches over this summer and I know my eight year old's jeans are getting a little high water. However, a friend of mine brought my attention to where you can get kids clothes at a deep discount. I'm thinking that's the place for my children to get their new clothes. Zulily has kid's clothes, too, but they're usually not as inexpensive, even if they are at a really good discount. I'm going to check them out later today, just to see the kinds of discounts they have for kid's stuff. I'm usually shopping Zulily for myself, to be honest. They have such a variety of styles and I'm always bound to find something I like. However, I'm not getting anything for myself this time. Not saying I won't be "window shopping" though.
I've updated my massage therapy website, I've learned some new Shiatsu techniques including some really wonderful abdominal massage that is so helpful with digestion and general health and well-being that I can't recommend it enough. I actually think that it has helped in my weight loss, too. Okay, maybe that's foregoing the daily ice cream habit, but I feel awesome. I've also aced my practical exams and that right there is reason enough to get some bodywork done by yours truly. I have a few testimonials on my site, too. You should go check that out.
I can't believe my first term of massage school is almost done. We're talking about finals already. The time has really flown, which is great, because that means the rest of school will go quickly and I'll be able to get to work helping people feel better. My practice buddies are really enjoying and benefitting from their bodywork. It's very gratifying to know that I'm helping people feel better.
On the artwork front, I've been picking up the crochet hook again, getting ready for fall. I was actually inspired by my anatomy class, in which we use yarn to "build" muscles on skeletons. Having my hands on all that yarn made me itch to crochet, and I have a lot of yarn at home already, so I didn't have to buy anything to get started. My other project is some magazine collage art, but I'm going to need to get some art boards for that eventually, so right now I'm just cutting out the shapes and taking pictures of the way I want to lay them out when I do get those boards. I'll have to do some decoupage practice, too, because I haven't done it in a while.
Oh, I also made the fleece camp blankets for my boys. That was yesterday's project. I haven't made mine yet, but the boys have theirs and they helped me tie the knots. My knee wasn't thrilled, which is why I haven't made mine yet, but I'll get around to it. It'll be nice to make something for myself that I know I'll actually be keeping. So much of the stuff I've made lately has been under the assumption that I'll somehow manage to sell it. I'm so reluctant to sell my stuff, but I'm sure there will be someone who'll find it and say, "That's so me!" A kindred spirit. I've been on Pinterest, I know there are people like me out there.
Besides, I need to raise some money to get a Shiatsu table. I've been using a table in class and I can't believe the difference it makes. Unfortunately, a portable Shiatsu table (which is wider and sits lower than a standard western massage table) is almost $800. I've been saving the tips I make from my practice buddies, and I'd love to be able to pay for it all myself, rather than use family money to get it. I think this fall I'll have a special sale of my art and accessories to help me raise money for the table. It'll also help clear out my studio.
Well, I have a lot to think about and I've already given myself a bit of a headache with the overwhelming notion of it all. Carpe diem, flowerpots! Carpe diem!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

How 'bout that detox?

I had an ice cream cone yesterday. We were at a street fair and all the kids were doing it. After not having ice cream for a week, I was the first one to finish. Man, I love ice cream. However, I do think I've lost a little weight this past week, and I justified yesterday's cone because we were walking all over the fair.
I haven't purchased anything unnecessary, though I have been tempted. We didn't get anything from any of the artists at the fair, though I saw plenty I would've liked. We did buy tickets for the boys to play on a couple of the things they had at the fair. Our older son went in a water ball and our little guy went on the bungee trampoline and they were happy with that. We also went to the petting zoo and just pet the animals, rather than getting seed to feed them. The ice creams were a special treat and totally worth it - homemade ice cream is the best.
I usually run errands on my day off from school and if I go to Target, I'm far more tempted to get something unnecessary for myself. A pair of earrings here, six pairs of socks there (I'm really into socks), one of a million tee-shirts...
Well, luckily, our credit union moved to a new location and it across the street from a grocery store. The money I save in not buying extras at Target is worth the tiny bit more I may spend on the groceries, and they have a better produce department. There are some things I just have to get at Target - it's where we have our prescriptions and school supply time is fast approaching - but not having all the other distractions is a pretty big deal for me.
I've also done really well at not stopping at either of the thrift stores and the fabric store between the CU and my house. It's not easy to stop myself, I'm not going to lie. But I know we have to save our duccats for Disney World next May, and I'm committed to doing just that. A couple of years ago, our neighbors did the same thing, so the boys are at least familiar with the concept of "saving for Disney".
One the mending front, I've been fortunate to not need to do any. My kids' socks are a cry for help, however, and I've tried repairing them, but then the boys won't wear them. They feel "creepy". Oh, well. Their feet are getting bigger, so socks are going to be a necessity, and frankly, I prefer better socks because they last longer. Every time I've gotten cheap socks for any of us, they thin out and get holes so much faster than mid-priced socks. I'm a firm believer in spending a bit more initially in order to save on having to buy more later. Especially where socks are concerned. Because I'm a sock freak.
Still not happy about my hair, but I'm going to let it grow out for a while and see what I can do with it. Maybe it just needs some length, though I've shaved my had to within 1/4 inch of my scalp and it looked better than this. Don't think I haven't been tempted. But I was looking at some photos of my self from a couple of years ago, and I think I'd like to grow my hair out again. If I can be patient. That'll save a considerable amount, too.
On a different topic, massage therapy school has been full of ups and downs and I've had quite a bit of test anxiety. My shrink (yes, I go to a talk therapist and it's worth it if you can find a good one) gave me some really good advice on how to cut down on that testing fear. I know it's simply because this counts. This is something with which I can and will make a living to help out with household bills so my husband won't have to work quite so hard. I have to make this work. So, as you can see, I've put a bit of pressure on myself to do well and it has been more challenging than I had anticipated. I do really well in my Western Anatomy and Physiology classes, but my Eastern Medicine classes are really out there as far as my brain is concerned. There's a lot of memorizing stuff that changes depending on situations and I think that's throwing me for a loop. But I retake the tests and I pass them. So the info is there, I just get myself into a snit and can't do it.
What is the Good Doctor having me do? Well, one thing is to eat a good deal of protein before I take a test and she's written a note for me to be allowed a container of milk while I'm taking the tests (we're only allowed water - how archaic!). The other thing I need to do is something one would think would be easy - breathe. But I have a tendency to hold my breath and breathe very shallowly when under stress, and that can affect my anxiety (would affect anyone's, really). So we did some concentrated breathing work last week and I used that in combination with the dietary suggestions the next day and I got my first perfect score in Anatomy and did really well on my Shiatsu practical exam. I don't even care if it's only a placebo effect, I did really well on the tests, and I'm going to continue following her advice.
Well, my little flowerpots, I don't know if you got anything out of this other than the fact I'm a sock freak and get test anxiety, but if you did - Yay! Stay colorful!

Monday, July 14, 2014


So, this week on the Today show, they've started doing something called the #30DayDetox. ( Since Jill Martin is giving up her Smartphone, you can see this isn't necessarily a diet - one of the food variety, anyway. So I've decided to participate. No unnecessary purchases. No new toys, no fabric, no nothin'. The boys will need new school supplies, but before I go out and purchase a bunch of stuff, I'm going to see what we already have. They will need some new school clothes, but for the most part, nothing much is needed in that department at the mo'. In fact, I may only need to get them some new trainers and call it good. My kids are only clothes horses because I am, and I keep buying them stuff.
I'm also going to stop eating ice cream. I just had my last ice cream sandwich for the next 30 days. I weighed myself this morning and I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant. At least then I could blame it on the baby! I've been on three walks in the last two days. I've got to shed at least 10 pounds by my October birthday or sooner, but that's the goal: 10 by mid-October. More than doable, and if I'm lucky, it'll be even more than that.
I thought about not going on facebook for 30 days, but let's be realistic. Besides, that's how I keep in contact with a lot of the people in my life, so that's out. Also, since I started school, I simply haven't had as much time to be on there, anyway. Between classes and studying, I've probably cut my fb time in half.
So, I have the two things from which I'm going to "detox". But I feel like I should maybe have one more. Three's a charm and all that. But I really don't have a whole lot of vices outside of shopping and ice cream... I really love ice cream. I rarely drink soda or booze and it'll be a cold day in the underground hinterlands before you'll pry the coffee cup from my clutches. Oh! I know! I'll stop getting a pretzel bun at lunch. The store doesn't always have them, anyway. That's one less bundle of carbs from my diet.
We all have some habits we could do without for 30 days. Maybe by then we won't miss them so much. Because I could totally have another ice cream sandwich right now...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Oh, Good Gravy!

Mending I'm alright with, I am terrible at making do.
By now it should be fairly obvious that my family doesn't hurt for money. We're not rich by any stretch of the imagination and my husband works an extremely demanding job in order to provide us with what we do have... which is plenty. However, I really wanted to try to stop my extra spending on crap we simply don't need and I'm going to be honest with you: I'm not doing very well.
Oh, sure, I went to Fantastic Sam's and got cheap hair cuts for myself and the boys and I have always colored my own hair (which is back to auburn). I'm not thrilled with my cut. It's just not the same as when I go to Tasha and spend $50. It's not. I don't know why, but there's just something not quite right.
So there's that.
My boys had a birthday party to go to the other day and what did I do? I got the kid a present, then got one for each of my kids. FOR NO REASON! Don't get me wrong, my kids do stuff around the house for me when asked and are generally good, kind kids who follow the rules, but they didn't do anything extraordinary to earn these toys. I will say, however, that they have played with them quite a bit. At least they aren't laying in a heap of dust. Yet.
Tennis shoes. I needed new tennis shoes. I went to Famous Footwear so I could get some name brand shoes on sale instead of Target cheapies, which make my (already busted) knee really hurt. Besides, my old tennies were about a year old and I wear them nearly every day.
I went online and purchase some fleece fabric today because I got an email coupon for Hancock Fabrics and my boys want me to make them extra blankets for the camper. I got enough to make one for myself, too. I made one for my husband, why shouldn't the rest of us have extra blankets for the camper? Even though my husband and I share his. Well, okay, mine can stay at home. I picked out the fabric to go in our living room.
Isn't this pathetic? I can come up with what is to me, perfectly logical reasons to spend money. It's probably an illness. First World problems.
As I look at this now and realize that I need to stop. I honestly don't NEED anything now. I have the new shoes. I got my hair cut, however badly. My kids have a couple of new toys that they are playing with, at least. I have good music to listen to in my car, I have books to read, I have classes to attend.
This will have to be a better wake up call than my just saying I'm going to do something. I'm really more aware that I was when I left the house this morning to run errands. Besides, if I stop getting all the extra stuff, I can go back to Tasha and have my hair done RIGHT.